Change Starts with You
DPV Health, the Department of Education, and Banksia Gardens Community Services co-published a resource for young people, ‘Change Starts with You’. The resource was designed in collaboration with young people, for young people aged 13-18, and has been popular with young people in the North. It aims to give young people the knowledge and tools to promote gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence. It covers topics including:
- family violence
- types of violence
- the link between gender inequality and gender-based violence
- gender stereotypes
- bystander action
- respectful relationships
- sex and consent
- responding to disclosures
- family violence and the law.
Download the Change Starts with You resource:
Violence Against Women is Preventable
A bystander is someone who sees or hears about an act of sexism, harassment, discrimination, or any other form of inappropriate or violent behaviour.
People who witness this behaviour (but are not involved either as perpetrators or victims/survivors) are in a position to be powerful allies in challenging sexist and discriminatory behaviours and attitudes.
Bystander action refers to ‘how’ a bystander calls out, or engages others in responding to incidences of violence, sexism, harassment, or discrimination. There is no ‘right way’ to be an active bystander. Depending on the situation at hand, various forms of intervention can be deployed, and a bystander should consider their own comfort and safety above all else.
Now that you know what you can do as a bystander, tell us if you will be an active bystander when you see or hear harmful, inappropriate, or violent behaviours.

Get Help and Support
If you or anyone you know is experiencing family violence or any other kind of abuse, reach out for help. Is someone in danger now? Call 000 for an emergency.
To find out about DPV Health’s Family & Domestic Violence support services, click here. To book an appointment, call 1300 234 263 or to send an enquiry, click here. If you or anyone you know is experiencing family violence or any other kind of abuse, reach out for help.
Helpline Information
Name | Number | Hours | Services offered |
The Orange Door |
1800 271 151 or via email: hma@orangedoor.vic.gov.au |
Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm |
Free service for those experiencing family violence in the Hume/Moreland area |
Safe Steps | 1800 015 188 |
24 hours a day
7 days a week |
24/7 family violence response centre |
Djirra | 1800 105 303 |
Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm |
Aboriginal women’s service |
Switchboard Victoria | 1800 184 527 |
Every day
10am – 6pm |
Support for LGBTQI+ people |
Women’s Legal Service Victoria | 03 8622 0600
Tues & Thurs
5:30pm – 7:30pm |
Free legal services for women |
Women’s Information Referral Exchange | 1300 134 130
24 hours a day
7 days a week |
Information, support and referrals for women, non-binary and gender-diverse people |
Women’s Housing Ltd | (03) 9412 6868 |
Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm |
Helps women at risk of homelessness |
inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence | (03) 9413 6500 |
Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm |
Family violence service, specialised in people from multicultural communities |
Dardi Munwurro | 1800 435 799
Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm |
Healing and behavioural change for Aboriginal men and youth |
Centre Against Sexual Assault | 1800 806 292 | After hours
5pm – 9am |
Support and crisis line |
Name | Number | Hours | Services offered |
Salvation Army Crossroads Family Violence Service | (03) 9353 1011 | Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm |
Crisis intervention and family violence refuge |
Merri Health Victims Assistance Program | 1300 362 739 | Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm |
Helps people who have experienced violence |
Women’s Information Support & Housing in the North | (03) 8692 2020 | Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm |
Support for those experiencing family violence or homelessness, or at risk of homelessness |
Latrobe Community Health Service | 1800 242 696 | Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm |
Provides a variety of services |
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